Österreichische Albert |
Schweitzer Gesellschaft |
Delegates of the OeASG
The Austrian Albert Schweitzer Society stay in contact with organisationes and projects worldwide. To have reliable local contact the Board of the OeASG appointed outstanding personalities in various countries representing the society as "Delegat of the OeASG". The following list is sorted alphabethicaly by the name of the country.
Australia Steaphan McRath; Melbourne Contact: oeasg123@gmail.com Reports of Activities Australia
Canada vacant Reports of Activities Canada & USA
China Professor Dr. Nagar Lai, Hongkong Secretary of the China Business Managers Association
Germany Dr. Oliver Cerza; München Contact: oliver.cerza@gmx.de
PhDr. Sven-David Müller, MSc;
Berlin Contact: sdm@svendavidmueller.de |
Greece Baron Toni Breidel-Hadjidemetriou Contact: vacant
Japan & Korea & Mongolia & Ukraine Baron Yoshihiko Okabe; Contact: baron@kcc.zaq.ne.jp Yoshiyuki Yokoyama President of SPC & Delegatus Emeritus |
Hungary Prof. Mag. Heinz-Peter Platzer; Röjtökmuzsaj (Castel Szidónia) Contakt:
Russia Sergei Mankov; Sankt Petersburg |
Schweden & Finland Pfarrer Mag. Peter Stigsson Bratthammar; Göteborg Contact: peter.bratthammer@svenskakyrhan.se
Slovakia Ivan Chudý, Pezinok Contakt: oeasg.slovakia@gmail.com
Swiss & Liechtenstein Dr. Jens Gassmann; Ruggell Contakt:
Taiwan (R.O.C.) Professor Dr. Chung-Liang Vincent Huang, Tainan City Contakt:
Tanzania vacant Reports of Activities Tanzania
Thailand vacant Contact: |